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Old 04-17-2011, 07:47 AM   #1
Senior Member
Registered: Apr 2003
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vhosting doesn't work on VM?

Hi folks

host - ubunut 1010 desktop 64bit
virtualizer - VirtualBox ver 3.2.10 r66523
guest (VM) - ubuntu 1010 server 64bit

I followed;
Creating Simple Virtual Hosts With mod_mysql_vhost On Lighttpd

to setup virtual hosting. = a registered domain = a free subdomain on ""
(I don't have another registered domain for this testing)

Both domain points to the same public IP. The public IP is also forwarded to the local IP of the VM.

Installation went through w/o much problem. After finish "" works without problem. However can't be browsed.

On console ping both domains working.

Any suggestion? TIA

Old 04-17-2011, 09:02 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2001
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Why would you think this could possibly be related to VM stuff? You really need to improve your understanding of what is and what is not relevant. Being on a VM is not relevant, just like the colour of the network cable is not relevant. If lighttpd serves one site then any issues relevant to an alternative host *MUST* be relevant to its config and you've said *nothing* whatsoever about it. We have no idea if you followed the guide properly or not, so simply telling us you followed a guide is of no use, or rather only suggests you didn't follow some of it right, as it's not working. Look at your log files, that's what they are there for. With nearly 3k posts on LQ you should be better than this.


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