Version of OOo supported on RedHat Enterprise Server v.5.3?
New member - first posting...
My company builds and sell specialized medical practice management software; the servers we use have always run Linux. Recently we moved from our own hybrid Linux version to RedHat Enterprise servers, v 5.3. All of our document creation in the system uses (we have used v 1.1.5 - primarily Writer) for document creation, merges and printing. An example would be the generation of a referral letter for a patient to a primary care physician.
My question is: does RedHat Ent. v5.3 support OOo 's newer versions, especially the most recent v 3.1?
If not what is the most recent version of OOo we could use?
I am a trainer, not an engineer and have been asked to post this query by our chief programmer. Hope I'm in the right place and have supplied appropriate and sufficient info.
Many thanks,