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Old 03-12-2011, 01:14 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2011
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Using Two Servers for a Domain?

I am really new to Linux and know very few terms, so please be kind with any responses. I have been designing websites for many years and because of the limitations of shared hosting, not to mention the HUGE costs of dedicated servers, I decided to host a couple of my sites from home. I've got a great setup and fast UL/DL speeds with ym provider.

I have created 2 CentOS 5.5 servers and have them on 2 seperate dedicated IP addresses. My hosting company (, because I love them) has gone ahead and changed the zones on a couple of my domains to point to one of my servers. It works great.

The reason I decided to host my own is for 2 reasons. One of my clients who markets with email uses a TON of my bandwidth. I now host the images at home and it keeps me well within my limits with my host. Great idea.

The 2nd reason is for functionality. Shared hosting doesn't allow for software upgrades and I tried the VPS, but the plan I could afford didn't offer enough for me.

I figured that if I could build my own server, I can install whatever software I want on it. I own a couple of very popular sites that allow people to post their resumes, photos, video and audio. It's for Actors. Now the site automates all of the editing and processing on it's own which is awesome. However...all of that processing is draining the server. I decided to build a second one and now that one is on another IP address at home.

Here's my question after this long winded explanation:

Using both of my servers (let's say "svr1" and "svr2"), how can I use the new one to just process the images, video and so on? For example; A user uploads their high-res photos through a script on a page at "svr1". I then want to send that photo over to "svr2" for processing, and then return the edited photos back over to the users folder on "svr1". I've got the site designed and all of the scripts, so that's not part of my question. I just want to know how to move files between the 2 servers automatically.

Does this make sense to anyone?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Old 03-12-2011, 01:29 AM   #2
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: SW Missouri, USA
Distribution: Debian 6 "Squeeze"
Posts: 55

Rep: Reputation: 7
i think I have an idea. Let me know if this will work.

srv1 runs a script at regular intervals to check for new .jpg's
when srv1 finds a new .jpg, it sends a copy to srv2
srv2 makes a .jpg.bak file
your script runs on srv2 on the new picture.jpg.bak
at the end of your script, it sends the ProcessedPicture.jpg back to srv1

Is this anything like what you have in mind?
There may be a better solution, but this should work until somebody does have a better idea.


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