unmirroring luns lvm
Multipathing in linux -need to check how the luns are configured
Hi Every one,
I have no idea about luns configuration in linux environment(newbie) and now i have issue figuring out the configuration
By the look of the multipath output 3 luns are connected to server
1 is from Hitachi and 2 from Sunstorage(Thumper)
What i am trying to achieve,
I need to check how the 3 luns are configured on OS level
I need to differentiate Hitachi and thumper lun
The next is to check whether 3 luns are mirrored or not (if not ,how they configured)
The third and last .I need to remove the mirroring luns (if exist) and leave the system with only Hitachi lun
Your help much appreciated