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12-15-2009, 07:58 PM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 7
Time quota based access control to specific websites
UPDATED: you can read my original post below
As I couldn't find any program that did what I wanted I set out to write my own.
My chosen language was C++ because this URL re-writer need to be FAST (faster than python or perl anyway) and because C++ is a language I am familiar with.
First things first I chose my method of squid integration. Initially I was using the ACL (access control lists) and ensuring that every request pass an external ACL check to be allowed but I found this to be problematic, I’m not sure exactly why but I think it has something to do with the way squid optimises ACL performance. Using url_rewriter_program alleviated this issue.
As per the requirements from my original post I came up with bellow design (in flow chart form)
The database to fulfill this design has three tables that I set up like this:
url(pk) //web address of banned website
id (pk)
srcIP //src ip of web request
requestUrl //url of request rescource
requestTime //time of most recent request
flushDate (pk)
CREATE TABLE blacklist
url varchar(250) not null primary key
srcIP varchar(15) not null,
requestUrl varchar(250) not null,
requestTime time not null,
flushDate DATE not null primary key
And then the implementation was as follows
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <mysql++.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sstream>
#define USER "root"
#define SERVER "localhost"
#define PASS "tstfu646"
#define DB "eo"
//returns the time corosponding to the START of the current access period as a value
struct tm GetAccessPeriod()
time_t rawtime;
struct tm * timeinfo;
time ( &rawtime );
timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );
mktime ( timeinfo );
if(timeinfo->tm_hour < 12)
//time is before 12pm
timeinfo->tm_sec = 0;
timeinfo->tm_min = 0;
timeinfo->tm_hour = 0;
return *timeinfo; //value of timeinfo
else if(timeinfo->tm_hour >= 12 && timeinfo->tm_hour <= 14)
//time is between 12pm and 2pm
timeinfo->tm_sec = 0;
timeinfo->tm_min = 0;
timeinfo->tm_hour = 12;
return *timeinfo; //value of timeinfo
else if(timeinfo->tm_hour > 14)
//time is after 2pm
timeinfo->tm_sec = 0;
timeinfo->tm_min = 0;
timeinfo->tm_hour = 14;
return *timeinfo; //value of timeinfo
int GetQuotaSeconds(struct tm * ap)
if(ap->tm_hour < 12)
return 600;
else if(ap->tm_hour >= 12 && ap->tm_hour <= 14)
return 1800;
else if(ap->tm_hour > 14)
return 600;
//converts a struct tm to a time string that can be used as an sql TIME type
//returns as value
string Stringify(struct tm * time)
string rData = "";
stringstream out;
out << time->tm_hour << ":" << time->tm_min << ":" << time->tm_sec;
rData = out.str();
return rData;
void Tokenise(const string& str, vector<string>& tokens, const string& delimiters = " ")
// Skip delimiters at beginning.
string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0);
// Find first "non-delimiter".
string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
while (string::npos != pos || string::npos != lastPos)
// Found a token, add it to the vector.
tokens.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
// Skip delimiters. Note the "not_of"
lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos);
// Find next "non-delimiter"
pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
int main()
//local variables:
string url, ip;
time_t rawtime; //time/date in seconds since 1970
mysqlpp::Date lastDate; //use to store the flush date queried from db
mysqlpp::Date date; //used to store current date in form to be inserted
struct tm ap; //start of access period
struct tm * curTime; //the current time
mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res; //stores query results
mysqlpp::Time::Time t;
mysqlpp::Time firstRequest; //time of first request
int ct, fr; //seconds since 00:00 for first request and current time
char buff [2048];
vector<string> tokens;
time ( &rawtime );
ofstream logfile;"/usr/local/bin/log.txt");
// Connect to db
mysqlpp::Connection conn;
if (conn.connect(DB, SERVER, USER, PASS))
mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query("");
//this loop should not exit and should be blocked by cin waiting on input from squid
// logfile << "started loop at time: " << rawtime <<endl;
cin.getline(buff, 2048);
Tokenise(string(buff), tokens);
if(tokens.size() > 1)
url = tokens[0];
ip = tokens[1];
//get current date:
time ( &rawtime );
date = mysqlpp::Date(rawtime);
curTime = localtime ( &rawtime );
// logfile << "request for: " << url << " from: " << ip << " at: " << Stringify(curTime) <<endl;
//get last date from DB
query << "SELECT flushDate FROM status";
if (res =
lastDate = mysqlpp::Date(res[0][0]);
if( > 0) //if it's a new day
// logfile << "cur date after last date" <<endl;
//flush request
query << "DELETE FROM request";
catch(mysqlpp::BadQuery e)
// logfile << e.what() <<endl;
//update date to today
query << "UPDATE status SET flushDate = '" + date.str() +"'";
// logfile << "same day" <<endl;
query << "select url from blacklist where '" + url + "' LIKE url";
res =;
if(res.num_rows() > 0)
//quota code goes here:
// logfile << res.num_rows() << " items in blacklist matching " << url <<endl;
t = mysqlpp::Time::Time(rawtime);
query << "insert into request (srcIP, requestUrl, requestTime) values('" + ip + "', '" + url + "', '" + t.str() + "')";
ap = GetAccessPeriod();
curTime = localtime ( &rawtime );
query << "select min(requestTime) as time from request where requestTime > '" + Stringify(&ap) + "' AND srcIP = '" + ip + "'";
res =;
// logfile << res.num_rows() << " requests from: " <<ip <<endl;
firstRequest = mysqlpp::Time(res[0][0]);
// logfile << "first request was on: " << firstRequest.str() <<endl;
fr = firstRequest.second() + 60*firstRequest.minute() + 3600*firstRequest.hour();
ct = curTime->tm_sec + 60*curTime->tm_min + 3600*curTime->tm_hour;
fr += GetQuotaSeconds(&ap);
//cout << "fr: " << fr << " ct: " << ct <<endl;
// logfile <<ip << " " <<url << " first request plus quota is: " << fr << " the time of current request is: " << ct << " time difference : " << fr-ct <<endl;
if(fr > ct)
cout << buff << endl;
// logfile << "banned, but inside quota, OK" <<endl;
cout << "302:" << endl;
// logfile << "banned, outside quota, ERR" <<endl;
cout << buff << endl;
// logfile << "not banned, OK" <<endl;
if(url == "exit")
// logfile << "connection fail" <<endl;
return 0;
So if I have implemented a solution what is my question?
Well it could be that I am at the wrong place for this kind of help but
As I said this code needs to be fast, could I get some feedback on my design. One thing of concern to me is that atm all requests to a banned site are logged, this could be a LOT of requests and while this table is emptied every day it could still get way to big. Maybe a solution that used update instead of insert and just updated the request time?
Code quality, have I made any mistakes with memory management etc.
C: [most important]
How could I share this code with other people. I only wrote this because I couldn’t find free software which did it for me. What is the best way to get this into a form that other net admins can use? Ill need a lot of help with this I think as I have never used autoconfig before or anything like that.
I'm the network administrator of a fairly small network (<100 stations) and my work is generally just doing tech support for the staff here and managing services like samba mail etc. My boss recently approached me with a more difficult task however, she would like to limit the amount of time each staff member can access certain websites, allocating them a quota for example:
Bob can only view facebook for 10 minutes before 12:00, betweem 12:00 and 13:00 he gets another 30 minutes of quota, and then after 13:00 he gets another 10 minute sof quota.
Ideally this quota would be consumed only when a staff member was viewing a page but I don't think this is entirely possibly, perhaps the quota would simply start counting down once the page is first accessed?
This system must be implemented for $0 using entirely free software and hardware we have sitting around the office.
Now I understand how to implement more basic filtering I could set up a transparent proxy using squid, which already supports user authentication, and then use something like Dansguardian for URL blacklisting. My questions is: is there free software which can handle this kind of time quota based control?
If there is not what would be the best DIY approach. I was thinking I could write a simple squid log parser of my own (in C or python or whatever) but this may be more work than is necessary. Is there perhaps a generic squid parsing tool which supports scripting that could do some of the work for me?
I could be totally off the mark and perhaps a proxy is not the best approach at all? I could add special logging rules to iptables and go from there but it seems to me that would be a lot more work.
Thanks in advance, capo.
Last edited by jabngoolie; 01-12-2010 at 07:43 PM.
12-15-2009, 08:56 PM
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Sydney
Distribution: Rocky 9.2
Posts: 18,426
Well, given that web pages are downloaded to your wkstn browser, not streamed live (although some content may be), I think(?) maybe you'd just have to count num of accesses, rather than amt of 'time' spent reading a page (can't see how you'd do that).
A simpler soln would be to have access time-bands eg only access non-work sites eg gmail between 1200-1300.
Of course, I could be completely wrong.. 
Last edited by chrism01; 12-15-2009 at 11:02 PM.
12-15-2009, 09:02 PM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 7
Original Poster
Originally Posted by chrism01
Well, given that web pages are downloaded to your wkstn browser, not streamed live (although some content may be), I think(?) maybe you'd just have to count num of accesses, rather than amt of 'time' spent reading a page (can't see how you'd do that).
A simpler soln would be to have access time-bands eg only access non-work sites eg gmail between 1200-1300.
Of courser, I could be completely wrong.. 
Thats what I meant when i said it would probably be impossible to time how long someone was viewing a page, but you could check when someone first accessed a page and count down from that time. I suggested to my boss having time bands of access but she said that she would like both times bands a time quotas if possible.
12-15-2009, 11:07 PM
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Sydney
Distribution: Rocky 9.2
Posts: 18,426
Would it help if you explained (in a simple manner) how webpages work ie they are just simple downloads, so time quotas doesn't really make sense eg if someone surfs to a new page every 60 secs, when would the countdown start/stop??
Would it (time out) renew for each page??
You'd also need a 'global' reset for each user, otherwise they could download 1 page at 9am, which would timeout, then they'd be locked out of the web for the rest of the day.
Could get very messy.
12-16-2009, 01:43 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 7
Original Poster
Originally Posted by chrism01
Would it help if you explained (in a simple manner) how webpages work ie they are just simple downloads, so time quotas doesn't really make sense eg if someone surfs to a new page every 60 secs, when would the countdown start/stop??
Would it (time out) renew for each page??
You'd also need a 'global' reset for each user, otherwise they could download 1 page at 9am, which would timeout, then they'd be locked out of the web for the rest of the day.
Could get very messy.
The time quota is not for browsing, just for accessing specific pages ie. You get 3 access a day, after you request a page for the first time that day a countdown starts and you get unlimited requests to that domain until the countdown ends, at which point all request to that domain are denied until a certain time (say 12:00) at which point you get another 10 minutes of requests, starting from the first request.
12-16-2009, 01:58 AM
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Sydney
Distribution: Rocky 9.2
Posts: 18,426
3 access a day, after you request a page for the first time that day a countdown starts and you get unlimited requests to that domain until the countdown ends
so 3 domains per day then, not 3 pages?
How does the '10 mins' fit in with that method?
Note the 'unlimited requests' in the quote'
12-16-2009, 06:39 PM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 7
Original Poster
Originally Posted by chrism01
so 3 domains per day then, not 3 pages?
How does the '10 mins' fit in with that method?
Note the 'unlimited requests' in the quote'
no they can access all pages EXCEPT those on specific list limitlessly.
For those on the list they get say 3 periods of access per day. These periods of access start from the first request to that domain and they are allowed unlimited requests until their time is up.
so if I access at 11:05 I can then browse facebook until 11:15 at which point requests will be denied until 12:00 when I am allotted a new period of access, but it does not start at 12:00 it starts when I first make a request to after 12:00 and then ends 10 minutes after that first request.
12-16-2009, 08:09 PM
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Sydney
Distribution: Rocky 9.2
Posts: 18,426
OK, that's a bit clearer.
What happens to time overlaps eg taking your example above, suppose the user logs into facebook at 11:58. How does that affect the 'after 12:00' rule? Would you have a flag that can tell when someone's 'first' access is and then allows them to 'access' facebook from 11:59-12:09, then immediately start (aka continue) a new 10 mins 12:10-12:20 ?
Just trying to clarify here.
What happens if they don't login to facebook at all until eg 4:30pm: do they get 3 x 10 mins periods or only one?
It's the corner cases that make programming interesting 
12-16-2009, 09:59 PM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 7
Original Poster
Originally Posted by chrism01
OK, that's a bit clearer.
What happens to time overlaps eg taking your example above, suppose the user logs into facebook at 11:58. How does that affect the 'after 12:00' rule? Would you have a flag that can tell when someone's 'first' access is and then allows them to 'access' facebook from 11:59-12:09, then immediately start (aka continue) a new 10 mins 12:10-12:20 ?
Just trying to clarify here.
What happens if they don't login to facebook at all until eg 4:30pm: do they get 3 x 10 mins periods or only one?
It's the corner cases that make programming interesting 
these boundary cases are interesting but it's not really my question, I don't need programming help, i'm just looking for advice on what tools i can use to minimize the amount of programming ill have to do, ie. is there already a tool that can do this?
12-16-2009, 11:20 PM
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Sydney
Distribution: Rocky 9.2
Posts: 18,426
I admit I've never tried to do this. I'm kind of surprised no-one else has jumped in by now.
Have you had a look at things like netnanny, websense etc?
Theoretically, for a DIY approach, Squid / dansguardian and some Perl is where I'd start looking.
I'll be interested to know the answer myself.
12-22-2009, 10:22 PM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 7
Original Poster
Ok so i started working a solution using squid and python but i'm having some issues wiring up a simple python script to a squid ACL. My python script is:
import sys
i = 0
while i < 5:
a = sys.stdin.readlines()
if a == "exit":
if len(a) != 0:
print "OK"
so it's just an infinite loop that gobbles up text from std in and returns OK every time it gets something, the idea being that squid will be piping over data and the scirpt just returns OK over and over.
My relevant squid config looks like:
external_acl_type faceblock children=5 %SRC /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/
acl eostaff external faceblock
http_access allow localnet eostaff
but if i request a page it just sits there loading for ever, it would appear that the python script never returns and hangs squid.
With my debug mode set to:
debug_options ALL,1 33,2 28,9
the first request after restarting squid appears in cache.log:
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclCheckFast: list: 0x7fc3db15abb8
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: checking all
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl all src all'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchIp: '' found
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: returning 1
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclCheck: checking 'http_access allow manager localhost'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: checking manager
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl manager proto cache_object'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: no match, returning 0
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclCheck: checking 'http_access deny manager'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: checking manager
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl manager proto cache_object'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: no match, returning 0
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclCheck: checking 'http_access allow purge localhost'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: checking purge
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl purge method PURGE'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: no match, returning 0
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclCheck: checking 'http_access deny purge'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: checking purge
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl purge method PURGE'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: no match, returning 0
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclCheck: checking 'http_access deny !Safe_ports'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: checking !Safe_ports
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl Safe_ports port 80 # http'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: no match, returning 0
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclCheck: checking 'http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: checking CONNECT
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl CONNECT method CONNECT'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: no match, returning 0
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclCheck: checking 'http_access allow localnet eostaff'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: checking localnet
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchIp: '' found
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: checking eostaff
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl eostaff external faceblock'
2009/12/23 13:09:22| aclMatchAclList: no match, returning 0
after that subsequent requests to not appear in the log file.
Any ideas?
01-12-2010, 07:43 PM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 7
Original Poster
updated original post considerably.
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