Not all operating systems supports Mac address based filtering. Squid calls these "ARP ACLs" and they are supported on Linux, Solaris, and BSD variants.
rebuild your squid with mac filtering support:
# ./configure –enable-arp-acl …
# make clean
# make
Then in your squid.conf:
auth_param basic program /yo_auth/program_here
auth_param basic children 10
auth_param basic realm "Your Org Real Here"
auth_param basic credentialsttl 5 minutes
acl authed proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl known_macs arp lst_users
acl freesites dstdomain lst_freesites
http_access allow known_macs
http_access allow !known_macs authed freesites
http_access deny all
Last edited by chitambira; 04-23-2009 at 12:05 PM.