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Old 12-19-2010, 08:35 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 33

Rep: Reputation: 0
server maintainence

So I am (excitedly frustrated) 3-4 months from the first working install of my linux server. So I am setting up a team to work on the server, I have a couple questions. first what the server will do.

The server will host icecast (internet broadcasting program similar to shoutcast), podcast versions of said shows, and a website.

1. Will icecast or similar interfere with normal hosting of the website (though they are coming from the same server I believe its broadcasted on different ports so I imagine not)

2. Should I use a seperate server to store the mp3's or is it ok to keep them where on the same machine ( I would like to keep them on the same machine, logicly I would think it would cut down on load time)

3. I am worried about server maintaince in the way of hackers n such as well as hardware and software, memory usuage, bandwidth is there a checklist and maybe a way to automate this.

I should clarify, I know how to tell schedule a task but what if I need it in perverbial safe mode (yay windows) and I can't be there for it to happen and when its finished return to work as usual by its self.

4. I was thinking my content (file) manager, server maintainer, and I would have access to wlan when we can't physically be there, is this safe? Can I make it safer? What about ftp for my webdesigners and podcasters?

5. I started having doubt about myself using linux (ubuntu server) because for cost saving I am sacrificing a gui as well as general knowledge. I have previously installed and got working a server in linux before but I don't know what hole I could have possibly left open. Question would it be better and easier to use someone else to host my site for me such as amazon or or should I keep going with linux, or buy windows server?
Old 12-19-2010, 09:02 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2006
Distribution: Debian, Ubuntu, W7, openSUSE, Centos
Posts: 152

Rep: Reputation: 25
1: As long as the ports are different you should be ok.

2: Depends on the server load and disk space free. If you are expecting high volume and need to release rescources then you can split off mp3 data. To start you could test with everything on the local server

3: There are a lot of guides on how to secure Linux. I would suggest you take a look at some. Have a google for a howto for your chosen distribution.

I'm not sure what you are asking ref safe mode. You can go into various run levels but you may require a kvm or similar to run at those levels. Generally Linux will not just break.

4: You can manage files via SCP (requires SSH server) and WinSCP.

5: You are risking a lot in using an operating system you are not experienced with. Have you considered a managed server / vps option? That way you can concentrate on your website / application instead of the server itself. Yes it will cost more, however, you will need to consider the cost to the project if you are hacked or suffer performance issues.

Good luck.
Old 12-20-2010, 07:54 PM   #3
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 33

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Originally Posted by Zetec View Post

I'm not sure what you are asking ref safe mode. You can go into various run levels but you may require a kvm or similar to run at those levels. Generally Linux will not just break.
It was a windows reference. In pretty much any WinX (i.e 95, 2000, vista, etc) when booting the computer after the bios you get some options one of which is safe mode. Its similar to going into i wanna say the second lowest run level of linux. Safe mode in windows only boots up and allows for files and drivers necessary to run. This allows for maintaince, fixing software issues, anti-virus scans, defrag and compression, and others. This does take the server down as no internet traffic is allowed in or out but it may only be for short periods of time.

But yeah I was looking for something like that in linux.

Thanks for the help though, i may take your idea and use VPS, mabe just use my server as a backup or something idk, if nothing else i'll use the home server as a learning tool.
Old 12-20-2010, 08:24 PM   #4
Registered: Jul 2006
Distribution: Debian, Ubuntu, W7, openSUSE, Centos
Posts: 152

Rep: Reputation: 25
This will give you an idea of runlevel's (safe mode) in Linux.

In short, yes there is a safe mode.

I would recommend a managed vps to start out whilst you get to grips with the operating system. .


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