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pcborges 03-17-2022 05:32 AM

Second vsftpd user cannot access defined home at /var/www/html/imageParking

Hi, I followed the instructions above but the second user gets the following message
when login from filezila:
Comando: USER parking
Resposta: 331 Please specify the password.
Comando: PASS *********
Resposta: 500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/home/parking

user1 works fine.

myname@myhost:/etc$ cat vsftpd.userlist

cat /etc/vsftpd.conf

myname@myhost:/etc/vsftpd/user_config_dir$ ls
user1 parking

myname@myhost:/etc/vsftpd/user_config_dir$ cat parking

myname@myhost:/var/www/html$ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 2 parking parking 4096 Mar 17 06:10 imageParking

What Am I doing wrong?
Assistance welcome.

bathory 03-17-2022 12:19 PM


Resposta: 500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/home/parking
Apparently vsftp does not read ther /etc/vsftpd/user_config_dir/parking file where you set the parking user homedir to /var/www/html/imageParking

Check again the configuration and keep in mind that without a "userlist_file" directive, the default userlist_file is /etc/vsftpd.user_list and not /etc/vsftpd.userlist as in your case.
So add the following in vsftpd.conf


scasey 03-17-2022 01:48 PM

I think the issue is that the home directory does not exist…the error says

cannot change directory:/home/parking
But the op is expecting
I think the parking user’s home needs to be set to /var/www/html/parking
See man passwd for how to do that…or if you know how, edit /etc/passwd
Pretty sure that vsftp confg files have nothing to do with it (‘tho I’ve not used any ftp server or client in a long time sftp/ssh is the way to go, IMO)

pcborges 03-19-2022 05:16 AM

Hi, thank you both for your valuable contribution but not solved the problem yet.
I have started with the most familiar:

Lines that I added to /etc/vsftpd.conf (instructions on the link on my original post):


myUserName@vps37290:/etc$ cat vsftpd.userlist

myUserName@vps37290:/etc$ ls /etc/vsftpd/user_config_dir
user1 parking

myUserName@vps37290:/etc$ cat /etc/vsftpd/user_config_dir/parking

Somehow user1 works OK:
myUserName@vps37290:/etc$ cat /etc/vsftpd/user_config_dir/user1

Filezila connects, uploads and can also delete files under user1.

I created user parking after user1 was already working.
Could something be wrong with user parking that prevents him to work with vsftpd?

I am not such an advanced Linux user but will try to look into scasey kind directions as well and see if I can make it work without breaking anything else.
Thank you both.

bathory 03-19-2022 11:39 AM


Filezila connects, uploads and can also delete files under user1.

I created user parking after user1 was already working.
Could something be wrong with user parking that prevents him to work with vsftpd?
Do you still get the same error: "...cannot change directory:/home/parking"?
Did you restart vsftpd after making changes?

pcborges 03-19-2022 11:38 PM

Hi, I did not make any changes, it was already with the lines you suggested.
I did not include the whole set of lines I included in vsftpd.conf because I did not know they were that relevant.
But the vsftpd.conf was always with those lines on my last post.

After that I checked the existence of home/parking an the folder was not there
So I created and rebooted the VM
When it came online I tested with ftpzila and it worked


bathory 03-21-2022 11:28 AM


After that I checked the existence of home/parking an the folder was not there
So I created and rebooted the VM
When it came online I tested with ftpzila and it worked
You mean that the parking user uses /home/parking in order to upload/download files?
In your OP, you said that the user parking should use the directory /var/www/html/imageParking for this.

pcborges 03-22-2022 05:44 AM


You mean that the parking user uses /home/parking in order to upload/download files?
In your OP, you said that the user parking should use the directory /var/www/html/imageParking for this.
No, it is working as intended, now I can upload and remotely delete files from /var/www/html/imageParking logged in as user parking using filezila.

I also aplied proper ownership and access to user parking on its newly created home directory

What I said was that it seems to have started working as soon as I created directory "parking" under /home.
I found that when I decided to login as user parking from terminal and got the message that /home/parking could not be found.
After creating the directory /home/parking for user parking I then tested filezila (as user parking) and everything started to work as intended.


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