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Old 04-15-2011, 10:23 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2006
Location: Slovak Republic
Distribution: Slackware 14.2, current
Posts: 463

Rep: Reputation: 79
saslauthd keeps crashing


I was testing a new server for several days. Yesterday the saslauthd started to crash with segfault. It wasn't start even after the server was rebooted. The segfault was telling problems in libc. (Sorry I cannot remember the exact output)
I cannot determine where is the best place to looking for the cause of this fault. Please if somebody can give me some basic advices in this it will be a great help.

I installed a new server with slackware 13.1 86_64.
I am using this services:
sendmail with saslauthd authetication, clamav-milter (0.97-latest)
imapd, pop3d, stunnel (for imaps and pop3s)
webmin (for local administrators user management)

The mail boxes of users was migrated from the older server - slackware 13.0 84_64 bit and same services. The imap folders and the user inboxes (var/spool/mail) I migrated with rsync to the new server.
The users was copied from the old /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files into the new ones.
I applied the latest patches (included the shadow-

My first idea was that the shadow and passwd files was handled incorrectly. (This is the most probably case )
Second was the which I transfered from the old server. So I rebuilt it from on the new server. (after this the crash still persisted)

Next I am going to check the passwd and shadow files.

Last edited by hua; 04-15-2011 at 10:27 AM.
Old 04-17-2011, 04:20 AM   #2
Registered: Oct 2006
Location: Slovak Republic
Distribution: Slackware 14.2, current
Posts: 463

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Rep: Reputation: 79
It looks like the problem was with the clamav user. It has double shadow and passwd entries. Oops.

The older clamav packages doesn't create the clamav user and group automatically so I had control over the UID and GID of these. With older clamav (0.95.3) you needed to create clamav user and clamav group by hand.
It was usually UID 210 and GID 210. This was good because I reserved UIDs above 1000 for users. This makes the user synchronization with backup server simple for me.

When I installed a new server with upgraded clamav (0.97) the package automatically created the user with UID in this userspace (something like 1040). This caused that when I merged the passwd file the high UID clamav user was included too. So I had two clamav users with UID 210 and UID 1040.

It looks like that this caused the saslauthd crash.
Probably this is the risk when you use not tested packages.
I built the package from the clamav 0.97 source since the latest version on is 0.95.2. I know that there is also some more up-to-date version but I was curious if it will work with 0.97.

Sorry, I was wrong I found this right now:

Last edited by hua; 04-17-2011 at 04:50 AM.
Old 04-18-2011, 10:57 AM   #3
Registered: Oct 2006
Location: Slovak Republic
Distribution: Slackware 14.2, current
Posts: 463

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Rep: Reputation: 79
No. It wasn't the cause of the error.

Actually when I looked carefully into my logs I found out that the segfault appears at the moment when one of my users connects to SMTP.
When he connects to imapd it works. No error. But the sendmail authentication process just destroy saslauthd.
It is weird, because there are some strange characters in the /etc/passwd file.
user:x:1160:100:an Ňarja :/home/user:/bin/sh
(Some of the character was deleted to protect privacy of my users)
After "arja" there is another symbol which here is invisible. I try to get the hexa of it.
I really don't know how dose it get there. I created the same user with the same full name description and it looks completely different.


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