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Old 06-05-2009, 03:40 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
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Samba folder containing subfolders with specific rights

Lately I'm getting this question a lot.
For every project I want to create a tree like this:
- project
  - drawing
  - secretariat
  - coordination
Everyone should be able to read/write in 'project'.
Only drawing should be able to read/write in 'drawing'.
Only secretariat should be able to read/write in 'secretariat'.
And so on...

I think I can manage to set this up in samba. The problem is, is there a way to enforce those rights when a new project is created from a windows client?
Old 06-05-2009, 04:32 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 100

Rep: Reputation: 17
Originally Posted by StarQuake64 View Post
Lately I'm getting this question a lot.
For every project I want to create a tree like this:
- project
  - drawing
  - secretariat
  - coordination
Everyone should be able to read/write in 'project'.
Only drawing should be able to read/write in 'drawing'.
Only secretariat should be able to read/write in 'secretariat'.
And so on...

I think I can manage to set this up in samba. The problem is, is there a way to enforce those rights when a new project is created from a windows client?
Well, how would samba server know which group should have permissions over new project (folder) created from Windows Client machine? The new project would get read/write permission for everyone, i.e. inherited from parent folder project. Can you explain more about your query?

PS: you may want to look at swat... a gui based samba administration tool which you can use to manage samba server from client machine
Old 06-05-2009, 05:02 AM   #3
Registered: May 2008
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You can create in advance every folder for every project ...or ...this is what I've done...I've created a web interface on the samba server..and when someone wanted to create a new project...he would access the web interface and create the folder structure from there.The web interface allowed the users to manage projects...create/delete, add information about them.
Old 06-05-2009, 12:29 PM   #4
Registered: Mar 2005
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A script??

Isn't this a problem just crying out for a script?

You could write a script that would take an input of a name (say, $project), and create the directory structure in the appropriate location. It seems like it would be pretty straightforward:
mkdir /home/$project
mkdir /home/$project/drawing
mkdir /home/$project/secretariat
mkdir /home/$project/coordination
chmod 777 /home/$project
chmod 770 /home/$project/drawing
chown drawing:drawing /home/$project/drawing

Make the script executable by whoever is allowed to set up projects, and make sure it's accessible.

Throw in some error checking, test it, and voila! Or am I missing something?
Old 06-05-2009, 01:05 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Thanks! All 3 replies are pretty useful.

Now looking if there is a way to automatically trigger the script. But running it from a webpage will do for now.


samba, security, windows

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