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Old 06-30-2011, 06:28 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2011
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samba and NTFS

I am very new to Linux and it has taken me a while to get to grips with understanding how things work.

I have Unbuntu 2.32.1 Build date 14/4/11
I have Samba Installed
I also have 8 Sata drives all with NTFS most of them have a lot of data on them.

All my drives were used on an old windows 7 system, and now I wish to have them in a server setup.

My clients are all windows users apart from 1 witch is an Unbuntu desktop user.

The problem I have is access rights or permissions none of the clients can gain access to my NTFS shares.

I am using a GUI on my server (Gnome) as I am not very clued up with command lines in Unbuntu just yet.

Please could someone offer me some help in sorting out my network sharing.

Many Thanks IAN
Old 07-01-2011, 03:30 PM   #2
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well my recommended first course of action would be to, one by one, copy the data off each drive, format them as ext3/4, then copy the data back, this gives the drives standard Linux permissions support, then install webmin, and then use the webmin interface to configure the samba server, otherwise you are going to have to learn how to edit configuration files for samba which can be a daunting task for a novice, note webmin is by no means intended to be a substitute for learning HOW to edit the config files, but a decent stopgap and perhaps it can help you learn how by editing the configuration in webmin and then reading the config files to see what was changed and where.
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Old 07-01-2011, 03:51 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2008
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You have good backups right? (First thing to ask always.)

The best thing to do (in my opinion) would be to reformat those drives. If they're not already raided I'd also do that (google search "linux mdadm howto".) Ext3 or Ext4 are nice because you have many options with linux on resizing and changing them latter on. Ideally you'd have a setup something like md (contains all drives in a single fault tolerant space) -> Physical Volume -> Logical Volume Group -> Logical Volume -> Ext4 formatted partition. That sort of setup will give you a good setup that can change somewhat as time goes on (making a partition smaller is the only thing that might not work.)

As for samba, I'm a bit spoiled with the system-config-samba in the fedora releases. Some things to check out at least.
1. Are the drivers mounted so they are listed in the df -h command?
2. Do you have any samba users configured with smbpasswd?
If no then configure at least 1 user using smbpasswd.
3. Try connecting in windows by going to my computer and putting in \\IP_OF_MY_SERVER instead of browsing the network places (trust me, it's much faster unless you already have a windows domain up and running.)
4. Which reminds me, if you have a windows domain up and running make sure samba is configured as a domain member properly.

A little bit of general advice I know but hopefully it will get you going down the right track.

Edit: frieza beat me to it, but I agree with installing webmin

Last edited by travisdh1; 07-01-2011 at 04:15 PM.
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