What is your output of clustat?
When I've encountered this error, it was either issues with the fencing or multicast, with the fencing I have better luck creating a fence_xvm.key file for the communication between the two and fencing.
Here's a working cluster.conf file I recently created for a two node cluster for a GFS setup on two xen virtual machines:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cluster name="app_cluster" config_version="19">
<cman two_node="0" expected_votes="1">
<multicast addr="" interface="eth0"/>
<clusternode name="nfs1.pinnacle.local" votes="1" nodeid="1">
<multicast addr="" interface="eth0"/>
<method name="1">
<device name="xvm" domain="host1.pinnacle.local"/>
<clusternode name="nfs2.pinnacle.local" votes="1" nodeid="2">
<multicast addr="" interface="eth0"/>
<method name="1">
<device name="xvm" domain="host2.pinnacle.local"/>
<quorumd interval="3" tko="23" votes="1" label="appquorum"/>
<fencedevice name="xvm" agent="fence_xvm"/>
One thing that does stand out to me is within your cman tags, you might try adding two_node="0" to it.