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Old 01-30-2011, 06:16 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: In a Cave on Mars
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Recover MySQL Innodb from /var/lib/mysql/ backup?


I installed mediawiki the other day and went with the default innodb option. However a week later something went wrong. And since I have scripts that nightly backup /var/ I just copied the backup of /var/lib/mysql/wikidb/ (as I've done with MyISAM). Then when I connect the wikidb database. I can see the tables (via "show tables"), but when I do any query with them (check table X, select * from X) I get:

Table 'wikidb.X' doesn't exist
I've since read that can can't just copy the database directory like MyISAM, and there appears to be no way that I can find to restore or fix Innodb, without a dump of the data. And I never got a chance to do a mysqldump of the data. So has anybody got any idea how I can at least view the "page" table from the files I've backed up in /var/lib/mysql/wikidb/ ??
Old 01-31-2011, 01:36 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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As always, a backup is a lifesaver. Never had to try to recover data from InnoDB but maybe this site can help you out.

Kind regards,



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