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Old 08-24-2012, 12:22 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2012
Posts: 4

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Question about BIND and windows DNS compatibility, enabling scavenging on Windows DNS

I have a Windows DNS server that I believe sends some zone updates to a Linux BIND server.

I'm looking at enabling aging/scavenging on the Windows DNS server. I looked at this outline:

There is a Caution:
Caution Enabling aging and scavenging for use with standard primary zones modifies the format of zone files. This change does not affect zone replication to secondary servers, but the modified zone files cannot be loaded by other versions of DNS servers.

I'm looking to double check:

does this mean that if I enable aging and scavenging on Windows DNS I will have problems when I try to replicate to Linux BIND? What exactly does it mean: "the modified zone files cannot be loaded by other versions of DNS servers"

Is it saying that if you enable aging/scavenging, you can only replicate to Windows DNS? That's what it seems like to me,


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