Qmail - Several Users Receiving Select Emails Continuously
Being a linux newbie thrown to the wolves since our pc support quit, I am hoping a guru may be able to shed some light on whats happening.
Our company mailserver had a hard drive crash this week, two hdd's in the server, the system partition drive was fine, only the /home mount drive was affected. After replacing the drive and remounting to /home, the /home directory was recovered entirely from tape backup. Backups for /var, /etc, and / were not restored as the os drive checks ok, no errors.
We are using only IMAP for mail, and it is a relatively old server running Redhat 7.3.
Our email is working again, but there are about 6 users that are continually receiving the same 3-4 emails repeatedly. (Same 3-4 emails being redownloaded every 1-2 minutes). I have looked into the queue directories and they appear empty. Qstat shows 0 messages waiting. messages log shows imap(pam_unix) uid=0 messages for all users that seem to be affected, but don't know if this is normal.
Looking at the processes, I see these same users IMAP and IMAP auth processes are permanently there?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks!