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Old 12-29-2010, 04:01 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Unhappy Qmail auto responder

Hi Guys

I have a qmail server running, i want to create an autoreponder for one of my accounts using the autorepond for qmail, and i did that the problem is that i receive a very strange response

-It writes the subject inside the message.
-It writes the From inside the message.
-It does not show HTML when it append the original message.

So i want to have my subject written in the mail subject instead of RE:....
Also i want to be able to show HTML inside the auto replay mail.

This is my message in the vacation folder :
Thanks for entering our Free Stuff competition.

We 've got lots of fantastic free stuff to give away every week so stay tuned!

All the best!
This is my .qmail file:
| /usr/bin/autorespond 86400 3 /home/vpopmail/domains/ /home/vpopmail/domains/
This is the replay i receive after i have removed the From and Subject from the message as you can see in the message file.

Thanks for entering our Free Stuff competition.
We 've got lots of fantastic free stuff to give away every week on so stay tuned!
All the best!

-------- Original Message --------
With the Subject : RE: test
Also the HTML in the original message does not appear

I have read that you should write the header in the message file but also does not work,it send them with the auto replay.

I have looked for alternatives but wasn`t too lucky in finding any, so please help.

Thanks in advance.
Old 12-29-2010, 11:48 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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In .qmail you should first put the line for the program you want to run and then the delivery mode.
Also add a "1" at the end of the autorespond line, so it adds the original message quoted and the sender address:
| /usr/bin/autorespond 86400 3 /home/vpopmail/domains/ /home/vpopmail/domains/ 1
Old 12-30-2010, 02:44 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Thanks for your response bathory,

But i guess this will not solve my problem about the message subject neither the HTML format issue.
The issue is that when i receive the auto reply i get the mail subject as RE: "what ever the original message title was". and if this message is sent from outlook you will get no thing in the quoted original message because outlook produce total HTML formatted message.

My question is how to change the subject to "Free Stuff from" and allow the HTML formatted message to appear ?

Old 12-30-2010, 05:02 AM   #4
LQ Guru
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My question is how to change the subject to "Free Stuff from" and allow the HTML formatted message to appear ?
I'm afraid you cannot have them both.
If you want to use your own subject in the reply message, you should use this perl script, that assimilates the sendmail vacation program. Read here for details. (Note if you're not using spamassassin comment out the respective lines in the script)
In .qmail you'll need:
|preline /path/to/vacation freestuff
The .vacation.msg should look like:
From: "Freestuff" <>
Subject: Vacation Message

Thanks for entering our Free Stuff competition.

We 've got lots of fantastic free stuff to give away every week so stay tuned!

All the best!
Old 01-02-2011, 03:59 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Hi bathory

Thanks for the solution you given me. but i cant get it to work,
I did installed the script in /usr/local/bin/vacation also removed the spamassassin part " cause i dont have it ".
I did create the .qmail:
|preline /usr/local/bin/vacation freestuff
and in the same directory i did created the .vacation.msg file with the contains:
Thanks for entering our Free Stuff competition.
We 've got lots of fantastic free stuff to give away every week on so stay tuned!
All the best!
and i get no replay when i send a message to this account, Did i miss some thing ?

Also you have said that i cant have them both "Subject and HTML format" if i managed to get this script to work. what is the other way to have the HTML format applied ?

Thanks very much for your help.
Old 01-02-2011, 05:07 AM   #6
LQ Guru
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and i get no replay when i send a message to this account, Did i miss some thing ?
Watch the qmail logs to see what happens.
Mind that you need to make the script executable.

i did created the .vacation.msg file with the contains:
The .vacation.msg must contain a From: and a Subject: lines (see post #4)

Also you have said that i cant have them both "Subject and HTML format" if i managed to get this script to work. what is the other way to have the HTML format applied ?
You that you cannot have an autoreply with your subject and the original mail body formatted in HTML.
This perl script allows you to use your own Subject in the autoreply, while the autorespond program you used in your 1st post allows you to have the original mail body as quoted text in the autoreply (still no html though).
I'm afraid that I don't know of any free software especially for qmail that can do what you want

Old 01-02-2011, 05:36 AM   #7
LQ Newbie
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Hi bathory

Thanks for the quick answer, but i did write the from and subject in the .vacation.msg file.
However this is the log of the smtp :

@400000004d20517f0857d37c tcpserver: status: 1/100
@400000004d20517f085a4864 tcpserver: pid 843 from XX.XX.XX.XX
@400000004d20517f085b1f3c tcpserver: ok 843 :XX.XX.XX.XX::38898
@400000004d2051801a5b759c CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from <> remote <> rcpt <> : found existing recipient
@400000004d2051801a5bbbec policy_check: remote -> local (UNAUTHENTICATED SENDER)
@400000004d2051801a5c488c policy_check: policy allows transmission
@400000004d20518036cb1f5c tcpserver: end 843 status 0
@400000004d20518036cb2344 tcpserver: status: 0/100
and im still not getting any reply !

Old 01-02-2011, 09:06 AM   #8
LQ Guru
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Well I meant to look at /var/log/qmail/current not /var/log/qmail-smtpd/current (maybe your distro uses different paths/filenames)
Anyway run ls -la in the user's homedir and delete any .vacation* file, except of .vacation.msg and try again. You should see something like:
@400000004d2048192c18528c new msg 4793305
@400000004d2048192c185a5c info msg 4793305: bytes 1355 from <> qp 20244 uid 1003
@400000004d204819311a6194 starting delivery 9: msg 4793305 to local
@400000004d204819311a6964 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
@400000004d20481a05fc99b4 new msg 4793381
@400000004d20481a05fca56c info msg 4793381: bytes 442 from <> qp 20249 uid 11123
@400000004d20481a0a84489c starting delivery 10: msg 4793381 to remote
@400000004d20481a0a84583c status: local 1/10 remote 1/20
@400000004d20481a0a845c24 delivery 9: success: $*_is_no_longer_supported_at_/var/qmail/bin/vacation_line_550./did_1+0+1/
@400000004d20481a0a8463f4 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
@400000004d20481a0a8467dc end msg 4793305
@400000004d20481a24d24adc delivery 10: success:
@400000004d20481a24d25694 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
@400000004d20481a24d25a7c end msg 4793381



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