Preconfigure gnome shares per user
I'm about to deploy pre-configured gnome workstations on a large corporate network. At the moment, Puppet is the tool in use for full automation of our deployment. We're running puppet commands to set mandatory and default values via gconftool for each system (screensaver lock, power settings, etc.).
Puppet is a great tool for system-wide configurations, but is not designed for "per-user" customizations.
In my case, the need is to setup gnome shares (via gvfs) possibly at first run, but not necessarily.
The easiest way seems to push a predefined .gtk-bookmarks file into the /home/<username> directory. This file would be further customized for the network share of the user (i.e. //myserver/<username>/share).
We looked into sabayon but the latest version does not work with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and does not seem to provide such a feature. Alternative solutions are obviously welcome, even not involving Puppet.
Thank you!