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Old 02-20-2011, 08:16 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2011
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Postfix software

I have a very peculiar issue with Postfix. lets say we have three users as user a ,user b ,user c . user a reports to user b ,user b reports to user c .Now if user a sends an email to user x then a policy is defined such that all his his email will be sent to user b not to user x. Is there any setting in postfix through which we can implement this
Old 02-21-2011, 06:48 AM   #2
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I would suggest to look into the virtual table. If you also want to rewrite the recipient in there email, there is also recipient_canonical. It can even use regular expressions if set up so in
Old 02-21-2011, 02:09 PM   #3
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Thanks reuti but let me be more clear on my question

i need to configure postfix in such a way that lets say i have four users userA,userB,userC and userX.Now if userA sends any email to any user lets say userX then mail will not be sent to recipient(userX) instead it will be sent to userB.Also when userB sends any email to any user ,the email will not be deileverd to recipient instead it will sent to userC in a hierarchy fashion. I have tested one part that if userA sends a email to let say userX or any other user then the email will be recived by the userX as well as by the userB whom userA reports.So userB knows what email userA is sending and to whom.but in my case it is being sent to both recipient as well as userB. I want that whenever userA sends an email it goes only to his boss ie userB. it should not go to recipient. Now when userB sends the email it will not be delievered to recipient but only to UserC who is topmost in the hierachy .finally he can send the email. Now can this be possible in postfix. any help will be greatly appreicated
Old 02-21-2011, 05:31 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by jbindra81 View Post
So userB knows what email userA is sending and to whom.but in my case it is being sent to both recipient as well as userB.
How did you set it up - also with the virtual table?

What you are looking for is something like sender based routing. One way maybe are header_checks, where you look for the sender. So you may replace the envelope but leave the original recipient intact. Then user B gets the email and has to send again to the original recipient, but it will again be routed, this time to C. Again here C has to send to deliver it finally. But: how will they do this? By forwarding the emails each time?

Also using a filter should also work: 1 2 It's quite old, but it seems there was nothing new implemented.


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