Hi Guys,
I have a Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS) with Ubuntu 11.10 Server on it.
So far I have successfully installed nginx 1.2.2 on it(thanks to my efforts and
bathory's help).
And yesterday I installed PHP 5 on it but it doesn't seem to work, here are the steps I took to install PHP on my VPS:
1. First I dowloaded the php5-fpm module and some dependency packages, using:
aptitude install -y python-software-properties
add-apt-repository ppa:brianmercer/php && aptitude update
2. then I installed essential PHP modules using:
aptitude install -y php5-cli php5-common php5-suhosin
aptitude install -y php5-fpm php5-cgi
3. and then I installed some non-essential PHP modules using:
aptitude install -y php5-curl php5-gd php5-memcache php5-mysql php5-imagick imagemagick php-pear
sed -i "s/#/;/g" /etc/php5/conf.d/imagick.ini
4. after successfull installation I finally started PHP using the command:
/etc/init.d/php5-fpm start
Next up to test the php installation I saved:
<?php phpinfo(); ?> into
foo.php and
saved it to:
/home/MyUsername/public_html/MyDomain.com/public/ and then I browsed to:
but I didn't get the anticipated PHP info, instead there was a 404 not found error
Now when I run
top on putty I can see php process running there
So I tried again but this time I put
foo.php into the default nginx directory:
/usr/local/nginx/html/ and then entered into my browser:
http://MyvpsIPAddress/foo.php and yet again there was a 404 file not found error
So guys I can't figure out where the problem is ?
Guys I spent my entire day on it but to no use
Please help me out
Thanks a lot