'Duplicate' of
1) Acceptable answering time is usually said to be 48 hours.
2) Answering your own questions : Makes it look like an already
answered thread. Will no longer appear in "LQ zero reply".
When having further comments to your 'none answered' question,
please use the EDIT function instead.
About your script : Why not change the syntax in line 10 ? ?
This will work different, and won't print 'syntax error'
Line 10 :
my $dbh = DBI->connect ( $driver, $database, "root" ) or die "cant connect to mysql";
Just guessing after a brief look here ( I am no coder )
To get around this
DBD::Proxy : install_driver(Proxy) failed: Can't locate RPC/PlClient.pm in @INC
# cpan
cpan > install Net.Daemon RPC::PlClient
P.S.: should have been 2 colons ( : ) between 'Net', 'Daemon',
can't write it, will display a 'smiley' instead.