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Old 02-09-2011, 11:25 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2006
Location: Delhi, India
Distribution: Centos 5.8, 6.5 Linux Mint 13 & 16, OpenSuse 12
Posts: 112

Rep: Reputation: 16
Red face OpenVPN Client GUI for Windows 7 64Bit

Dear Experts,

I have set up my Openvpn Server in Centos and it is working fine. Windows XP clients are able to connect the OpenVPN Server and access the network. This is a customized OpenVPN Gui Client.

Now I need the customized OpenVPN Client for MS Windows 7Bit. I am using openvpn-2.1.4-install OpenVPN Client in MS Windows 7 64Bit. This is a executable and working fine in the said architecture. Now I want to compile this version. I am following the given steps at :

As per the direction i have copied the source from 2.1.4 and tried to compile, but compiled copy is giving the error " An error occurred Installing the TAP-Win32 Device Driver". I have tried this compilation by making every change and hack but all in vain.

I think that there are some certain steps which are missing and not documented any where. And sure that someone in forum will know the facts.

Kindly Guide.

Vijay TH
Old 02-10-2011, 03:43 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2006
Location: Delhi, India
Distribution: Centos 5.8, 6.5 Linux Mint 13 & 16, OpenSuse 12
Posts: 112

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Rep: Reputation: 16
Originally Posted by turiyain View Post
Dear Experts,

I have set up my Openvpn Server in Centos and it is working fine. Windows XP clients are able to connect the OpenVPN Server and access the network. This is a customized OpenVPN Gui Client.

Now I need the customized OpenVPN Client for MS Windows 7Bit. I am using openvpn-2.1.4-install OpenVPN Client in MS Windows 7 64Bit. This is a executable and working fine in the said architecture. Now I want to compile this version. I am following the given steps at :

As per the direction i have copied the source from 2.1.4 and tried to compile, but compiled copy is giving the error " An error occurred Installing the TAP-Win32 Device Driver". I have tried this compilation by making every change and hack but all in vain.

I think that there are some certain steps which are missing and not documented any where. And sure that someone in forum will know the facts.

Kindly Guide.

Vijay TH

Kindly help me on this problem. This is very important for career.


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