Hi Guys,
I'm having a pretty weird problem, and really have no idea where to begin in tracing and fixing it. But here goes.
I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 on 2 machines, and have installed OpenLDAP as per the guide
https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/server...ap-server.html it all seemed to be going well having it installed and running on Server A, including authentication. So a few days later I decided to setup server B to be a slave replica. Which after a little bit of fiddling seems to working and keeping the records in sync.
Then I did an apt-get upgrade on server A. then my problem started.
Basically getent passwd, only returns one entry from the LDAP and so does getent group.
But a search of LDAP returns everything that's there.
I've been comparing the config files between Server A and Server A for PAM etc, and everything is the same.
but if I change ldap.conf on server A to point the uri ldap://server B/ and rerun getent passwd it returns all the users and getent group returns all the groups.
I've compared the LDAP entries between Server A and Server B and they're staying in sync.
It looks like it's more to do with ldap than the auth config if just changing the server fixes it, but as server A is the master LDAP server I'm really at a loss.
Server A - Ubuntu 10.10 (Upgraded from originally 8.04 I believe)
# dpkg -l | grep -i openldap
ii ldap-utils 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.3 OpenLDAP utilities
ii libldap-2.4-2 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.3 OpenLDAP libraries
ii slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.3 OpenLDAP server (slapd)
Server B - Ubuntu 10.10 (Fresh install)
c# dpkg -l | grep -i openldap
ii ldap-utils 2.4.23-0ubuntu3.4 OpenLDAP utilities
ii libldap-2.4-2 2.4.23-0ubuntu3.4 OpenLDAP libraries
ii slapd 2.4.23-0ubuntu3.4 OpenLDAP server (slapd)
If getent was only returning local users it'd be something, but it's returning local + 1 LDAP user or 1 group. Which just seems weird.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure posting some logs would be helpful, but I have no idea which so if someone can let me know what extra info would be more helpful I'll post it back asap.
Thanks in advance.