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Old 07-25-2010, 09:12 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2006
Posts: 11

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NFSv4 and idmapd working only in one direction

I tried to set up NFSv4 with idmapd between two Debian/lenny installations. On the client, the user "xyz" has the UID 501 and on the server "1000". Changing UIDs and setting up NIS is not possible, Kerberos unwanted. I tried to set up NFSv4 with idmapd and it is only working from server to client: When I list directories on the server, belonging to the user "xyz/1000", the owner is correctly displayed on the client as user "xyz/501". But when I create a file on the server, it is created with UID 501 (should be 1000). The configuration is quite standard, idmapd.conf was generated automatically, NEED_IDMAPD is set to "yes" and starting properly.
The main exporting directory has following options in /etc/exports:
and the mounted directory has:
For the mount-command, I specified "-t nfs4" as filesystem.

What might I be missing?

Tnx, Armin
Old 02-26-2011, 12:07 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2011
Posts: 3

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Any answer for this?

Originally Posted by afuerst View Post
I tried to set up NFSv4 with idmapd between two Debian/lenny installations. On the client, the user "xyz" has the UID 501 and on the server "1000". Changing UIDs and setting up NIS is not possible, Kerberos unwanted. I tried to set up NFSv4 with idmapd and it is only working from server to client: When I list directories on the server, belonging to the user "xyz/1000", the owner is correctly displayed on the client as user "xyz/501". But when I create a file on the server, it is created with UID 501 (should be 1000). The configuration is quite standard, idmapd.conf was generated automatically, NEED_IDMAPD is set to "yes" and starting properly.
The main exporting directory has following options in /etc/exports:
and the mounted directory has:
For the mount-command, I specified "-t nfs4" as filesystem.

What might I be missing?

Tnx, Armin
I've run into this exact issue myself and I've found multiple people posting about it but no actual responses other than it works if you set up NIS, Kerberos, or LDAP. I guess it wasn't designed with the simple setup in mind. Anyway - is there anyone out there that knows if this is expected behavior and can offer an explanation?


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