Originally Posted by AlucardZero
Something is already listening on port 80 ("Address already in use"). Stop it.
Is it Apache? Try stopping it, then starting it. Is it something else? Do you have another Web server installed? Do you have no idea what it is? Run as root "lsof -i TCP:80". Then stop/disable that process and start your new Apache.
In answer to your questions:
(1) yes, it's Apache
(2) I haven't installed another web server
(3) I have no idea what else it would be
(4) according to the response from that command, Apache is running
I finally killed the process and went looking for the
apachectl file that is supposed to control the server daemon - and I found apache2ctl in addition. So, now I'm really confused. I guess I've got it installed twice, maybe two different versions, and they're fighting over control? So, I guess I'll remove the build/install that I did this afternoon and see what that does for me.