I recently added a 2TB drive to my file server and
wrote about it here, but I was using graphical tools.
Using command line tools, the process is fairly straightforward, along the lines of "if you already know the answer, every question is easy."
Short version:
1. Plug in the device.
2. Run
dmesg and find the device in the output of the command.
3. Use
cfdisk to partition it, if desired.
4. Use
mkfs to format the partitions.
5. Repeat step 2 to see how the new partitions are sensed.
6. Use
mkdir to create mount points under /mnt or /media.
7. Edit
/etc/fstab to add the partitions to your
The first time I did this (for a thumb drive under the 2.4.x kernel), I think it took me half a day. Now, five years later, I can pretty much do it in my sleep except for the eyes having to be open thing.
Here's a description, with links about dmesg, fstab, and all that good stuff, that I wrote up about my podplayer.
Frankly, I would recommend that you install a GUI on your Ubuntu server system.
The command line is not the easiest way to start. The command line is always easier, but only if you already know the commands.
I was adept at the DOS and Windows command lines, but some things are just easier with a GUI. Once everything is configured, you should be able to log out of the GUI and your server should still serve.