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Old 08-22-2006, 11:36 AM   #1
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: Hyderabad , India
Distribution: RHL 9
Posts: 42

Rep: Reputation: 15
Mod rewrite problem .. want a friendly/readable url

Hello Experts,

Trying to create friendlier/readable url for my website.

we have webpages with urls like "" , now we want the urls to be like ""

Im new to url rewriting, I tried the following

Contents of .htaccess
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^members/?Z=([A-Za-z0-9])$$1

If i put the above .htaccess in the docroot im getting "Internal server error 500" message.

Kindly help me out in writing rewriterule which can substitute the ugly url to the friendly one.

I also want to ensure that that all kinds of usernames (with digits or without digits,starting with digits/ending with digits etc) are captured properly by the rewrite rule.

Thx in advance.

Old 08-23-2006, 07:18 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2004
Distribution: CentOS6, CentOS5, F16, F15, Ubuntu, OpenSuse
Posts: 620

Rep: Reputation: 39
RewriteRule requires 2 parameters, you only have 1.


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