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Old 10-27-2010, 04:06 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2005
Location: Bangladesh
Distribution: RH 7.2, 8, 9, Fedora
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Rep: Reputation: 30
Mail server issue--Suggestion required

Hi all,
Hope that you can give me the right product...
I am currently doing some R&D in the networking field. For my R&D datacenter, I need a mail server that is capable of handling multiple domain, anti-spam, content filter, anti virus, tarpitting, webmail, SMTP with POP and IMAP, anti relay, auto responder, BW list, etc etc etc... long ago i found a mail server in windows, called Merak mail server from Icewarp. It was the perfect thing i was looking for... for my testing issues, I used this for a long time... (over 4years) and now they have stopped giving anti-spam, anti virus also no more working... (I used a crack)... now I am looking for an exact thing that icewarp could do... but in linux is preferable... and ofcourse, i can't spend a big amount of money like merak... (otherwise i would go for merak linux version)... so can somebody give me an idea what should i choose?? Please....

Thank you in advnce...

Old 10-27-2010, 05:15 PM   #2
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I'm sure any opensource email package with do this for you. The trick is that each of the features you are requesting are going to different packages to install. i.e. anti-spam (SpamAssassin), anti-virus (ClamAV), etc. My personal favorite is qmail because you can string all these packages with pipes before it reaches the SMTP section of the command. A really good tutorial to getting a really full-feature qmail server is Bill Shupp's Toaster (

Good luck on your project!
Old 10-27-2010, 07:22 PM   #3
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It is a bit of work to get installed and even more to fully understand it, but Postfix in combination with applications such as spamassassin, amavis, clam AV, or dspam is fully capable of accomplishing all of these functions. It is free, has an excellent reputation, and a active community support base.
Old 10-28-2010, 08:47 AM   #4
Registered: Sep 2005
Location: Bangladesh
Distribution: RH 7.2, 8, 9, Fedora
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well, i have found an iso named qmailtoaster. not sure, but will load and check... one thing i need, that i forgot to mention... that is a blind cc.. i can have emails (out/in) those users send from my servers... but is is complete blind... it just leaves a copy to the desired email when sending/receiving... also has a list server so that people can easily update their own black/white lists... merak is really feature rich... but i have no way... so i'm first starting with qmail and i'll let you guys know...
103fever now and i need time to get some rest first... before work...

Old 10-28-2010, 11:55 AM   #5
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Kingston, Jamaica
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If you are going to use qmail, you should really use the Life with qmail document. It explains how qmail works. The qmail toaster will work but it does not give you a full explanation of the software. This makes it harder to trouble shoot issues when they arise.

Life with qmail is available at

I have used them both but I prefer Postfix. I find Postfix to be more flexible.
Old 10-28-2010, 12:29 PM   #6
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I personally don't recommend Qmail since it's been un-supported / patched since 1988 (12 years ago) but many will argue this. If you're looking for an All-in-one mail suite then you need to look at Zimbra or something of that nature. Most Linux mail applications use the K-I-S-S method of one job / function per application. I highly recommend and use Postfix. I have used it for years and it's by far the most secure and easy to configure MTA mail server.

I recommend the following:

- Postifx (SMTP server)
- Dovecot (POP3 / IMAP4 Server)
- Amavisd-new (Integration daemon)
- ClamAV (Anti-virus)
- Spamassassin (Spam protection)
- Roundcube (Webmail)
- PostgreSQL (Back-end database for webmail)


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