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Old 12-08-2010, 12:41 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2010
Posts: 8

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Locks table during mysqldump - pls help


We are running an adserver with mysql as the database. We backup the database every hour and lately noticed that ads doesn't get delivered at the time of backup. The database size is 1.2 GB in which a single table ifself is 1.1 GB. Googling around the problem says this may be due to lock table feature in mysqldump and disabling it might solve the issue but i'm afraid whether this would be a problem. Can anyone please explain what lock table means and will it be a problem if i disable it or may be any other alternative solutions/assitance (other than master/slave or replication since we cannot afford it at this time) would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance
Old 12-08-2010, 01:36 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Hi -

The "lock table" issues you're talking about are discussed here:,...7019#msg-87019

In our shop, stopping the web server and mysql once a week, taking a mysqldump (with the server down), and then starting things back up is No Big Deal. I assume that's probably not the case in your scenario

But taking a backup every hour on a live, 1++GB production database probably isn't the best approach, either.

What should you do?

"It depends". On, among other things:

1. Your MySQL version
2. Whether you're using InnoDB, myISAM, or "something else"
3. Your database access patterns (mostly updates? lots of complex queries? heavy transactional use? other?)
4. Your resources (disk, CPU, RAM ... and $$$ budget)
5. Etc etc

Replication is certainly worth considering. The full MySQL documentation is on-line, but this little "howto" might be helpful:

Incremental backups might be an even better solution for you:
<= Incremental backups are NOT a substitute for periodic full backups...
... but they might be an excellent alternative for you

And yes, I'd probably still recommend sticking with the table locks even for the incremental backup, but the performance impact for incremental backups should be minimal.



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