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Old 12-04-2011, 05:20 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Locking access to file system when NFS is being used


I have a problem which can be encountered from time to time and is not easy for replication. It looks like the file system (or rather part of it - I'm not sure which one) cannot be accessible from any application for several seconds/minutes. For example krusader or mc when launched, freeze until this "lock" disappears. When already launched, file managers or applications using some of the "locked" files also freeze.
When freezed I can still use some apps or open a new session (konsole, ssh or NX) and it works until I try to open some files. Even typing 'ls' makes the konsole session irresponsive.

I'm not quite sure, but probably this begun when I started to use a new NAS as a storage mounted using async NFS protocol. However this problem does not apply only to NAS stored files but also to local ones (also local /home dir is affected).

It is not a server/hardware issue - recently it was replaced with a new one. This same problem was encountered (even much more often) on Mandriva 2010.2/64 as well as Mandriva 2011.0/64 (now being used). I use Mdv on many computers for many years and never seen such problem.

I have no idea what to investigate to get rid of it? Any idea would be appreciated,


Last edited by ujejski1; 12-04-2011 at 07:43 AM.
Old 12-06-2011, 09:16 AM   #2
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Note when it happens and check /var/log/messages for anything occurring at that time.

Use fuser /yourfilesystem to see what is using the filesystem and what state it is in when the problem occurs. Although fuser will probably hang, too.

Also do ifconfig -a to see if you have network errors.


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