LDAP authentication of unregistered user at client side.
Hi Friends,
I have a openldap server running on one machine (fedora10) and pam_ldap.so and nss_ldap.so running on the other machine.
I have added a new user to the LDAP server database, this user is not created on client machine.
1. Can i login to the client machine using this new user?
2. Now if i try logging with this new user I am getting error messages, the error messages are as follows at client side
Sep 2 10:34:36 localhost sshd[8484]: Invalid user kim from
Sep 2 10:34:36 localhost sshd[8485]: input_userauth_request: invalid user kim
Sep 2 10:35:16 localhost sshd[8484]: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user "cn=min soo,ou=people,dc=samsung,dc=com" (Invalid credentials)
Sep 2 10:35:16 localhost sshd[8484]: pam_succeed_if(sshd:auth): error retrieving information about user kim
Sep 2 10:35:16 localhost sshd[8484]: Failed password for invalid user kim from port 52652 ssh2
Kindly let me know is it a limitation with LDAP ???
Thanks and Regards,