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Old 06-07-2010, 10:13 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2010
Posts: 2

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lamp server communication goes on and off (apache, sshd, nx-server, mysql)

My last attempts to install a remotely managed lamp have all been unsuccessful as fedora, ubuntu & debian installations seem to turn off and on all the time as far as communication is concerned.

I try to ssh the server but the conenction is stopping ( the server reply is "connection closed"), the apache works from time to time, nx remote desktop is the same with ssh (is it cause it's on port 22?).

These problems did NOT appear under debian etch but right after (was there something else as well?) ugrading to lenny, all previously mentioned problems re-appeared.

"On and off" appears more frequently during hours that the network of the machine is in load (not overload, but users are online-working) in contrast to night hours that the problem seems to be much much less frequent.

In past I have had a similar configuration machine in another location using older fedora and everything were working smoothly!

As for the current maching causing me troubles, I have tried to change hardware (complete chage using another copmputer) and the troubles were still there (thus I assume software issues)

By the way I test it on local network so my initial concern of "outside-domain-access" problems does not exist.

Can you please advise as to where to start from, in order to get a working, remotely managed lamp? What should I look first? Should it be the sshd/apache logs? is there a possibility that the network is causing this? (I 've read about 2 variables that allow in slow networks, requests to queue for longer - don't recall them now - but changing these did not work)

Old 06-07-2010, 11:58 AM   #2
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Well firstly, if you've got ssh and nx setup both on port 22... that's an issue. How are you installing lamp? This sounds like an issue with lamp more so than an issue with the operating system or alternately your configuration of lamp. Are you having network issues and not server issues?
Old 06-07-2010, 12:23 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2010
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Ok, as far as the ssh and nx I can understand, but if I'm not working on both at the same time, is it ok?

Lamp is installed in ubuntu through the "sudo apt-get install lamp-server^" and on the rest using apt-get, or yum for each one of the apache, php, mysql separetely. The same holds for sshd and nx.

As for the network issues, indeed the Network Operations Center of the institution I work for is not at it's best but how could I distinguish between network and server problems?


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