Hi linux folks, I have some php-mysql websites I need to host. I'm hoping to set up a fast, secure, and inexpensive server.
I looked everywhere for a commercial service that will satisfy my needs. First, I tried a shared hosting service with "unlimited" bandwidth. But it's not unlimited because your account gets suspended if it uses too much resources. Then, I looked at the dedicated servers and the price is just too much for me.
Finally, I found a way to have a fast, secure, and inexpensive server. I hope to create a guide that anyone (including newbies like me) can use to start their own LAMP server. Currently, this guide is incomplete because I have a lot of questions. I have placed "//" preceding any questions that I have.
Edit- this is the final version. I hope this protocol will help whoever is trying to start a lamp server.
1. register a domain. (I registered mine at godaddy.com for $10/year)
2. Set up your own name server using tinydns- I used this software after I failed to get BIND9 to work. Also, try everydns, which offers free service.
3. rent a server (
http://www.esecuredata.com/Pricing/Servers.aspx offers 2 types of servers $80-150/month). These guys are "what u c is what u get". I recommend their service.
4. Ask for a clean, basic installation of debian linux for security reasons.
5. SSH into your server and install the necessary softwares (Apache, PHP, Mysql, tinydns, exim4)
6. Point domain registration to name server. In godaddy.com's control panel, add the 2 name servers in the name server entry box (eg. ns1.nameserver.com ns2.nameserver.com)
7. point your name server to your linux box.
8. Configure tinydns in your linux. Configure a cache server so that your box can connect to the internet. Then configure an authoritative server so that it can act as a name server.
These are the basic steps needed to start a lamp server. It takes a lot of tweaking to get the softwares to work. The good news is that this forum is here to help
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