Originally Posted by woodzy
so do i type all of that in?hit enter after each line? yea i just tryed that and it closed my interface....
so i tryed it as a .bat file and i got this error (edited the pater to program)
blah blah, RUN.bat: line 9:command not found, exiting.
case $(uname -i 2>/dev/null) in
X86_64) java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar "${JAR}";;
i386) java -Xms512M -Xmx1000M -jar "${JAR}";;
*) echo "Dunno what to do with value $(iname -i 2>&1), exiting."; exit 127;;
exit 0
0. Save the above script as it is posted here on the Ubuntu machine as "/usr/local/bin/craft.sh",
1. Locate the "craft.jar" on the Ubuntu machine and notice the full path,
2. Change the "/path/to/" in the JAR="/path/to/craft.jar" line to the full path you use for craft.jar,
3. Run 'sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/craft.sh' to make the script executable,
4. Run "/usr/local/bin/craft.sh" and see if it starts up OK.
5. If it does not start OK post the output of running "/bin/bash -vx /usr/local/bin/craft.sh 2>&1 | tee /tmp/craft.err" (see the "/tmp/craft.err" file).