I am trying to configure an IT Ticketing System using OTRS on a Fedora 14 box. OTRS works great, but I don't want to have to manage a bunch of users for local log in to the system. It will automatically create tickets from emails sent by users, which is the way I would prefer to go. We have an email address set up for internal helpdesk requests and can use it for the system, but our Corporate Policies prevent me from turning on IMAP or POP access on our Exchange Server.
Considering this, I would like to set up the Linux box to receive email sent to
helpdesk@localhost.local and allow OTRS to POP the messages from there. I've been running through the hoops trying to get Postfix working on the server, but feel like I am using a boulder to kill a fly. Is there some way that I can make the Fedora box accept incoming mail connections for this one address without setting up a complete mail server?
Thanks for any help you can give.