To install Net-snmp from source(./configure, make, make install)
on this way it will compile and install default mib modules.
But i have to integrate Mod-Apache-snmp modules with default modules.
I have followed instruction from following website
Copy files into Net-SNMP directory to support Apache's MIB:
- Copy net-snmp-module\ -->PATH-SOURCES-NET-SNMP\agent\mibgroup\apache2\ (create apache2\)
- Copy extra\ap2_snmp.h --> PATH-SOURCES-NET-SNMP\agent\mibgroup\
- Copy mib\APACHE2-MIB.txt --> PATH-SOURCES-NET-SNMP\mibs\
I could understand just copy the files is not the only way to integrate Mod-apache-snmp modules with Net-snmp default modules. Either i have to modify somewhere in the Net-snmp sources file
./configure --with-mib-modules = ap2_snmp, keep the space and mention all the modules which i want(actually i dont know what are the modules that i want to include on here)
My problem is, I have to monitor CPU, Memory, Network and this Apache related stuffs using Mrtg.
Please anydbody guide me, how to integrate Mod-apache-snmp with Net-snmp source