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Old 12-08-2010, 09:56 AM   #1
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Question Installing Oracle 11g Database Requirements

I'm in the process of downloading Oracle database 11g to install and configure on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 (64-bit) & I've checked the system requirements page for Linux x86_64 however I don't know what packages are required to install the database engine on Red Hat. I'm being told that I need to have Xorg or X-Windows installed on the server for the installer but I'm being told from our staff that all RHEL servers should be headless and CLI only which means 'X' is not an authorized application I can download on production machines. I've called Oracle to find out if there's a text based installer or a way to install Oracle 11g database with out installing bloated / graphical packages like Xorg.

Anyone here who's familiar installed Oracle know if I can omit graphical packages and still have a successful installation on Linux?
Old 12-08-2010, 11:20 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by carlosinfl View Post
I'm in the process of downloading Oracle database 11g to install and configure on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 (64-bit) & I've checked the system requirements page for Linux x86_64 however I don't know what packages are required to install the database engine on Red Hat. I'm being told that I need to have Xorg or X-Windows installed on the server for the installer but I'm being told from our staff that all RHEL servers should be headless and CLI only which means 'X' is not an authorized application I can download on production machines. I've called Oracle to find out if there's a text based installer or a way to install Oracle 11g database with out installing bloated / graphical packages like Xorg.

Anyone here who's familiar installed Oracle know if I can omit graphical packages and still have a successful installation on Linux?
Yes, you can install via text, and you don't need to be RUNNING X on the box...just have the software installed. Set your DISPLAY variable back to your running system (where you've allowed remote X sessions to be started), and you can install via GUI.

The Oracle documentation lays out both methods of installation, and Oracle support can also walk you through it.
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Old 12-08-2010, 01:24 PM   #3
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a brief description of Oracle installation can be found at Puschitz website.

There are step by step guides covering the complete installation including kernel tuning, required packages and so on.
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