All the HOWTO files I found related to
mod_perl and
FastCGI approached their installations assuming you would use one or the other. But what if you wanted to use both? Here are installation steps to install both mod_perl and FastCGI on Apache.
Download and compile Apache 1.3 from source. Configure it with '--enable-shared=rewrite'. This will turn on
Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support, enabling us to load mod_perl and FastCGI dynamically rather than compiling them directly into Apache. If you wish to use Embperl, add '--enable-shared=env'.
./configure --enable-shared=rewrite --enable-shared=env
make && make install
Download mod_perl. From the root directory, execute Makefile.PL with the following parameters:
perl Makefile.PL USE_APXS=1 WITH_APXS=/path/to/apxs
If you used the default installation directory for Apache, apxs will be located in /usr/local/apache/bin/apxs:
perl Makefile.PL USE_APXS=1 WITH_APXS=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs
make && make install
Your httpd.conf configuration will updated automatically to load the following module:
LoadModule perl_module libexec/
Download FastCGI (mod_fastcgi). From the root directory, run the following commands:
/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs -o -c *.c
/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs -i -a -n fastcgi
Your httpd.conf configuration will updated automatically to load the following module:
LoadModule fastcgi_module libexec/
To use FastCGI, you will need to edit httpd.conf to enable your FastCGI application. See the documentation for details.
Perhaps you will also want to add Embperl for use with this DSO system. Here's how:
Installing Embperl with Apache previously installed and mod_perl installed as a DSO:
Build with support for Apache mod_perl?(y/n) [y]y
Searching for Apache sources...
Look at ..
Look at ../src
Look at ../apache_1.3.37/src
Use ../apache_1.3.37/src as Apache source(y/n) [y]n
Look at ./src
When get asked for the Apache sources, enter the directory where you found httpd.h, in my case '/usr/local/apache/include'.
Apache source not found, enter path name or q to quit []/usr/local/apache/include/
Searching for Apache sources...
Look at /usr/local/apache/include
Use /usr/local/apache/include as Apache source(y/n) [y]y
For the Apache executable enter the path to httpd:
Enter path and file to start as httpd [/usr/local/apache/httpd]/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
Apache Version Server version: Apache/1.3.37 (Unix)
Then enter the directory where is located:
Library for mod_env.c not found, please enter path to []/usr/local/apache/libexec
+ Load dynamic module mod_env.c
+ Load dynamic module mod_perl.c
+ mod_perl was build with USE_DSO
Test start /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
Test httpd will run as user nobody and group root
Test httpd will listen on port 8531
Found mod_perl Version 1.29
Found LWP::UserAgent Version 2.033
Found HTML::HeadParser Version 2.22
Apache::Session not installed on this system
-> Disable tests for persistent data storage
Found File::Spec Version 3.19
Found CGI Version 3.23
Writing Makefile for HTML::Embperl
Hope this helps!