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Old 11-16-2010, 12:13 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2010
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Increasing size of /var folder or mount to another folder


I'm installing things in a new Red Hat server and saw that the /var folder is full (100%). I need this folder to have more space or another kind of solution because this server is going to be used as a print server.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards
Old 11-16-2010, 12:23 PM   #2
Registered: Nov 2007
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If you have LVM installed you can resize the var partition. If not you can symlink some of the files/directory in /var to a partition that has enough space.

I have done this with Networker Legato and it worked like a champ.
Old 11-16-2010, 12:42 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by d072330 View Post
If you have LVM installed you can resize the var partition. If not you can symlink some of the files/directory in /var to a partition that has enough space.

I have done this with Networker Legato and it worked like a champ.
Hello, I was looking on how to use symlink and I have a doubt
If I run the following command:

ln -s /var /home/var
The info in /home/var will be "linked" to /var ,isn't it? All new files will be stored in this /var?

Thanks for your help!
Old 11-16-2010, 01:13 PM   #4
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The info in /home/var will be "linked" to /var ,isn't it? All new files will be stored in this /var?
Yes the files in /home/var will be linked to /var. So the files will not actually move from /var and new files will be stored in /var.

If you cannot change your configuration file to point to /home/var I would suggest you move what you want to move from /var to /home/var and remove that directory and then create symlink.


/var/test is 500 MB.

cp -rp /var/test/* /home/var/test
mv /var/test /var/test-orig
ln -s /home/var/test /var/test

then all new files will be stored in /home/var/test but you do not have to change your config file because /var/test still exists but it is symlinked to /home/var/test.

Test your application to see if it works. If it works then you can remove the /var/test directory.

rm -rf /var/test

Becareful of your commands when doing this.

Last edited by d072330; 11-16-2010 at 01:15 PM.
Old 11-16-2010, 01:21 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by jbspain View Post
The info in /home/var will be "linked" to /var ,isn't it? All new files will be stored in this /var?
Yes. Instead of /var being the mount point for the original file system that was mounted on the /var directory, /var will now point to /home/var and any files that are written to or read from /var or its subdirectories will actually be written to or read from /home/var or its subdirectories.

EDIT: but if you simply make /var a symlink to /home/var it will cause all sorts of breakage because the system expects to find files and directories there and will barf without them. At a minimum you will need the following (this is for Slackware so the details may be different but the idea and most of the directories will be the same):
    +-- /cache
    |        |
    |        +-- hald
    +-- /empty
    +-- /lib
    |        |
    |        +-- dbus
    |        |
    |        +-- msql
    |        |
    |        +-- nfs 
    |                |
    |                +-- v4recovery
    +-- /log
    |        |
    |        +-- packages (symlink to /home/c/var/log/packages)
    |        |
    |        +-- setup
    |                |
    |                +- tmp
    +-- /run
    |        |
    |        +-- dbus
    |        |
    |        +-- hald
    +-- /spool
    |        |
    |        +-- mqueue
    +-- /tmp
Several of those directories need specific owner, group and permissions.

The diagram is not complete; at least some NFS directories are missing.

Last edited by catkin; 11-16-2010 at 01:27 PM.
Old 11-17-2010, 05:33 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by d072330 View Post
If you have LVM installed you can resize the var partition.
Hi, I finally used LVM to resize the var partition and it went ok but it only let me resize 5 GB when I have a partition of 800 GB for "/" folder. How can I assign more gigas to a certain partition using LVM?

Old 11-17-2010, 01:04 PM   #7
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Hi, I finally used LVM to resize the var partition and it went ok but it only let me resize 5 GB when I have a partition of 800 GB for "/" folder. How can I assign more gigas to a certain partition using LVM?
If you do not have any free space then you will have to subtract some space from another partition that is oversized (i.e. you have found a particular partition that is too big).
Old 11-18-2010, 03:33 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by d072330 View Post
If you do not have any free space then you will have to subtract some space from another partition that is oversized (i.e. you have found a particular partition that is too big).
Thanks, that's what I did after investigating a little of LVM


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