Originally Posted by yewhiong
In the system-auth file, do I have to amend "pam_limits.so" to "lib/security/pam_limits.so" in order to get it working?
If you mean that you have to prefix the full path to the library name then I'd say no, not on RHEL5 / Centos 5.
Originally Posted by yewhiong
But it just couldn't work.
"Doesn't work" is the least interesting thing to say as we can not learn anything from it. What would be interesting are any related log lines (usually: /var/log/secure) or errors. Also note /usr/share/doc/pam-*/txts/README.pam_limits shows you can use the "debug" directive to make it log more verbose.
Originally Posted by yewhiong
@Guests - maxlogins 1
Are you sure the group name is with a capital