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Old 12-10-2010, 02:25 PM   #1
Registered: May 2009
Posts: 373

Rep: Reputation: 6
I'm looking for a compatable Database software

I have suse linux 10.1 that came with whats looks to be a incomplete sql server. If it works I don't know how to use it because w3schools instruction guide does not work with sql. Anyways I was wondering if theres any database software for linux that could be installed in my webpage directory and used by html files. Or if theres any free cgi database software for linux that i could use with html to create database web pages.
Old 12-11-2010, 05:12 AM   #2
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"any database software for linux that could be installed in my webpage directory and used by html files"

it seems you are not an expert in creating dynamic web pages. There are several database engines that you can install: MySQL, PostgreSQL are the best known among a lot of others. But you don't install them in an web directory, usually. You have to configure them and you have to know what you are doing, hmm. When configured and running you can connect to them with programming or script languages.

If you have a web account with a running mysql connection you can probably find ready-to-go scripts for making a gallery or something like that here:
Old 12-11-2010, 09:10 AM   #3
Registered: Apr 2005
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Is this on a server that you own, and have full access to, or a VPS/shared hosting service? The only reason I would possibly see for having a database installed in a web directory is if you are using a shared hosting service with access to only your /home. In any normal situation the database software should be installed in some other location just as any software.

I would say the most popular database for this type of thing is MySQL, which should be available from the SuSE repositories. There will then be some amount of work to do after it is installed. At the very least you will need to create a user and password, and an empty database structure for the web scripts to query. Finally you will need to have some scripting language in your webpage (PHP for example) to run queries and write data to that database.
Old 12-11-2010, 01:42 PM   #4
Registered: Feb 2007
Location: VA, USA
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I don't know if it would be the right choice for your needs, but an alternative option is SQLite <>. It should be available in the SUSE repositories, if it's not already installed on your system.


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