Hi all,
I'd like to store my subversion client password encrypted, and thought
I'd store the password in a gnome keyring.
From my understanding, the subversion client shipped by Collabnet
http://www.open.collab.net/downloads/subversion/) is compiled with
Gnome Keyring support, so I'm using that svn client. In
/root/.subversion/config (I'm running as root at the moment) file,
I've added "password-stores = gnome-keyring" under the auth section.
Since I'm logging into the server using SSH, the gnome keyring daemon
is not started by default, so I'm starting it manually (" export
`gnome-keyring-daemon` "). I issued "/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/bin/svn
co --username someuser
working-copy" expecting to be promted for the some default keyring
password, but was not. I could not find any files under
/root/.gnome2/keyrings, so I figured I'd create a keyring manually
(isn't there supposed to be a keyring set up by default?). I started
the gnome-keyring-manager (after enabling X forwarding), created a
keyring, and tried the svn checkout command again, but still no luck.
This is more or less where I'm at now. I'm quite new with keyrings, so
I'm probably doing something wrong. I've failed to come across good
tutorials on the net explaining how to get this kind of setup going on
RHEL. So have anyone here got this working, and would like to outline
the steps needed to get there? I'm not sure if the problem is to get
the keyring working properly, or if the problem is on the svn client
side, so advice on how to debug this will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
PS. I posted this issue on a Red Hat mailing list, but since I didn't get any replies I'm re-posting it here.