Hi there,
As I can understand the scenario you are having a server which generate lot of apache logs and you have to clean them up manually. I will give this server a name say server1.
What you are looking for is to zip these log files on server1 and copy it to server2 and then remove the log files from server1. If that is the case you can go with the following:
1. Use this link to know how to ssh without using password:
2. Create a script say: vi /home/username/remotescript.
3. chmod 777 /home/username/remotescript
4. Once above is configured you can simply add the following commands to the script:
tar -cvf /test/logs.tar /test/logs
scp -rv /test/logs.tar
5. Put this script in crotab
6. If you want to remove the log files one copied to other server then you can create a script for removing logs from original server.
I hope this helps.