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Old 02-14-2011, 09:31 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2011
Posts: 1

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How to enable more verbose logging for Centos 5/RHCS cman and openais?

I am having a problem with bringing up a two node cluster.
It picks up a cluster configuration file from another cluster on the network where of course it does not find the local node
I've disabled openais, change the configuration to use a different ring but it is still happening.
I get the following error message:

Feb 14 19:24:15 str00062 openais[28008]: [MAIN ] AIS Executive Service: started and ready to provide service.
Feb 14 19:24:15 str00062 openais[28008]: [MAIN ] local node name "str0062" not found in cluster.conf
Feb 14 19:24:15 str00062 openais[28008]: [MAIN ] Error reading CCS info, cannot start
Feb 14 19:24:15 str00062 openais[28008]: [MAIN ] Error reading config from CCS
Feb 14 19:24:15 str00062 openais[28008]: [MAIN ] AIS Executive exiting (reason: could not read the main configuration file).
Feb 14 19:24:15 str00062 ccsd[7336]: Unable to connect to cluster infrastructure after 12330 seconds.

Is there a way to boost the logging for cman and openais so I can get more clues as to why it it is happening? I've only seen postings telling how to do it for resource manager .
Old 02-18-2011, 10:17 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2001
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Can you post your cluster.conf file? Remember, clustering and cman in particular along with openais are really picky on what you use as the hostnames in the configurations, they're gonna go by the output listed in uname -n and what will be used to connect to each node, so make sure either that output is what matches in your DNS or in each of their local /etc/hosts file.

Also, if using your local hosts, the uname -n output has to be the first entry after the IP, then add any aliases for the nodes hostnames.


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