How To Clone Single Drive To Raid 1+0 (copy /dev/sde to /dev/md0)?
Hi All,
I'm looking for tips on how to do a CentOS server installation onto a hard drive, and then clone that drive to a RAID 1+0 array. I am fairly new at linux, but I think this would be the process:
install onto 2g usb drive (sde, boot and root)
boot into the OS and create the array using mdadm (sda, b, c, d)
Partition the array as desired, including / and swap
Use rsync to clone the / partition onto the array (/boot will stay on sde)
- I need to research the appropriate commands
Modify fstab and menu.lst
- are there any other places I need to modify?
Is this possible?
P.S. I could not find a way to set up the RAID first, or during installation, which would make this easier. Maybe I'm searching for the wrong keywords.