I guess a 'high number' of servers is relative term. In the world if HPC, managing a cluster of a few thousand servers is now commonplace, but these clusters all have the same property - either all the servers are identical or there is a relatively small pool of common images. They may run different apps, but the o/s image/configuration on them is the same. I don't know if this applies to your situation or not but it greatly simplifies things.
When changes are made, they're made to an image and than pushed out to all servers intended to run that image.
Another technique that might help you is naming. All servers had a common naming format as well as simplified aliases so you might have names like: n1 n2 ... n1000 or maybe there's a rack number or other discriminator in there like: r1n1 r1n2... r2n1 nr2n2...
Of course having ssh-less access for the management accounts is mandatory. Then you get access to 'pdsh', which stands for parallel distributed ssh. Let's say you want to install an rpm named foo on 1K servers! Piece of cake. First you copy it with the distributed copy utility:
pdcp -w n[1-1000] foo.rpm /tmp
and then install it on 1000 servers
pdsh -w n[1-1000] rpm -ivh /tmp/foo.rpm
Virtually any operation that needs to be done multiple times can be done this way. Even if your servers don't have common names you might be able to add aliases to your hosts files to make navigation more consistent. in fact, even if you can't do that you can always put the names in a file and point pdsh at it. Of course having password-less ssh is a must. If you don't have that you should ask for a raise.