I'm having an issue with access to a fuse filesystem (namely sshfs) mount point across multiple users.
I mounted the filesystem under a normal user shell on a directory (eg. /media/sshfs) with permissions set to 755 (the directory belongs to the user performing the mount).
The filesystem mounts fine under current user and the data is accessible however if I try to access the mount point from a different shell I cannot. I can't even list the directory mount point in /media; ls output is like:
d????????? ? ? ? ? ? sshfs/
I get the same output if I do ls from a root console.
I'm guessing the issue has to do with fuse, which I understand works in user space, so the mount point would not be accessible for other users.
I just need to know if there is a way to make a fuse mount point available to other logged in users as well.
I actually found an answer as it appears to be a security feature of fuse (from this thread:
The solution is to add option:
to the mount command.