Error during LDAP Client Setup ???
I tried to configure #authconfig for Fedora DS LDAP Client and checked the logs :
# tail -f access
[29/Nov/2007:10:39:20 +051800] - libdb: userRoot/sn.db4: unable to flush: No such file or directory
[29/Nov/2007:10:39:20 +051800] - libdb: userRoot/givenName.db4: unable to flush: No such file or directory
[29/Nov/2007:10:39:20 +051800] - libdb: userRoot/mail.db4: unable to flush: No such file or directory
[29/Nov/2007:10:39:20 +051800] - libdb: txn_checkpoint: failed to flush the buffer cache No such file or directory
[29/Nov/2007:10:39:20 +051800] - Serious Error---Failed to checkpoint database, err=2 (No such file or directory)
Any Idea??