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Old 11-25-2010, 09:47 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2010
Location: México
Distribution: Centos
Posts: 72

Rep: Reputation: 4
Difference between America/Mexico_City and Mexico/General timezone files...

I have a Centos 5.5 server and I had a problem with its time because it was 1 one hour ahead of my local time.

I installed and activated NTP and I created a link for /etc/localtime:

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Mexico_City /etc/localtime
I reboot the server and waited for 1 hour but the time wasn´t correct.

The server's BIOS clock has UTC time so I edited /etc/sysconfig/clock file replacing:

UTC=false for
I reboot the server and waited for 1 hour but the time wasn´t correct.

After breaking my head for about 1 hour, I realized that there is a directory /usr/share/zoneinfo/Mexico and changed my link for /etc/localtime

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Mexico/General /etc/localtime
And It worked.

After all I solved my issue but I have this question:

What is the difference between America/Mexico_City and Mexico/General files in /usr/share/timezones, they should be identical but of course they are not?

Thanks in advance for your kind help.

Last edited by fcintron; 11-25-2010 at 09:57 PM.
Old 11-26-2010, 04:17 PM   #2
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They're different because time zones are political, not geophysical (otherwise there would be a straight line from pole-to-pole every 15 degrees of longitude and, well, there aren't).

Every country sets their own little goofy rules for the boundaries of time zones (whether they make sense or not).

Doesn't have to make sense, we just have to live with it.

Hope this helps some.


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