I have a Centos 5.5 server and I had a problem with its time because it was 1 one hour ahead of my local time.
I installed and activated NTP and I created a link for /etc/localtime:
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Mexico_City /etc/localtime
I reboot the server and waited for 1 hour but the time wasn´t correct.
The server's BIOS clock has UTC time so I edited /etc/sysconfig/clock file replacing:
UTC=false for
I reboot the server and waited for 1 hour but the time wasn´t correct.
After breaking my head for about 1 hour, I realized that there is a directory /usr/share/zoneinfo/Mexico and changed my link for /etc/localtime
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Mexico/General /etc/localtime
And It worked.
After all I solved my issue but I have this question:
What is the difference between America/Mexico_City and Mexico/General files in /usr/share/timezones, they should be identical but of course they are not?
Thanks in advance for your kind help.