Hello, I have dhcp3-server (isc-dhcp-server) installed on my Debian and now I got a question about how it's giving the IP addresses to new devices.
For example: I connected my laptop and dhcp server gave me address. Will it always give me the same ip address when I connect my laptop or it will eventually change after some time (week-month)??
If it's not changing it, then I am wrong about this.
If I am somehow correct and if it will change in a week and give me another random (like IP even I won't change my laptop network adapter, is it possible to configure dhcp server to always give same IP address depending on what MAC it is?
To make it clear, I want that when I connect new device (new laptop/pc) dhcp server would give it random IP but same time it would note the MAC address and never change the IP on that MAC.
I know about MAC filters, but setting filters is when you know MAC address since beginning and want to assign IP for it, but in my situation I don't know the MAC address.
I hope I made it clear, waiting for some help on this.