After many hours which i spent for read and write to console comends from other forums I manual download this packages...
in my case:
"libc6-dev_2.7-18lenny6_i386.deb" (you can check which exactly you have version typing in console: "apt-cache show libc6"...
Next you get to folder where the package was downloaded and type as root: "dpkg -i --force-depends libc6-dev_2.7-18lenny6_i386.deb"
probably you get info that you don't have installed "libgcc1_4.3.2-1.1_i386.deb" (in my case)
So, You do this same what at the beginning (but now with this package) - manual download it and install by "dpkg ...."
when you install this package without any problem you have to install again libc6...
If during install libqcc... you get info that you dont have other package (in my case - gcc-4.3-base_4.3.2-1.1_i386.deb) - you malually download it and install like previous....
Good Luck